Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A message from our awsome PTA-President!

The PTA is having a membership drive as you can read about it on the flyer that has been sent home today.  Thanks to those who have already joined.  If you have overlooked joining, please support them by becoming a member today.  They are holding a school-wide membership contest.  Help the students watch selected teachers perform a silly/exciting task by reaching their goals. Their ultimate goal is to have 40 more members.  Here are the performances the students will be able to enjoy as goals are reached:

  • -10 new members=Mrs. Rasmussen, Mrs. Juarez, & Lim Lao Shi will kiss a goat
  • -20 new members=Mrs. Wallis, Mrs. Lawrence, & Mrs. Mullins will have a pie eating contest
  • -30 new members=Mrs. York, Mrs. Roach, & Mrs. Johnson will eat a chocolate covered bug
  • -40 new members=Vonzaa, Ms. Foreman, & Mr. Butler will perform to "What Does the Fox Say?"

Without PTA the school would not be able to provide the many wonderful activities that the students are currently enjoying.  Thanks for your support.

Well...There ya have it.  Thanks so much for including this in your notes! Please help us push to get just 40 more members!!  In all reality, it is not that many :) and just think of how entertained the students are going to be with these fun events that are going to take place!!

Teresa and the PTA membership committee



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