Monday, November 4, 2013

This week--Nov 4th- Nov 8th

Good Morning Parents,

I hope you had a good 3 day weekend!

Back to Business:

1. SEP CONFERENCE---Please SCHEDULE asap. There are still some empty slots. This is a good time for your child to show you what they learn and have been doing in Chinese! Also, a good time to set goals with your child on helping them be even better students.

*please note: there is NO ENGLISH CLASS and NO LUNCH for our kindergarteners as it is half day schedule all week.
Please be on time to PICK UP and DROP OFF your child! (children get sad when their parents are late picking them up)

Please note the new times for drop off and pick up

AM CLASS---8:50am-10:50am

PM CLASS--11:25am-1:25pm

2. FAMILY PICTURES!, We are going to be starting our family unit soon. I need a family picture from each child. Please make sure to bring a recent one ( if you can) and put it in a Ziploc to protect the pictures.

3. WINTER RELATED ITEMS: if you can bring something related to winter, that would be great, we will be starting out winter unit soon. Please DO NOT bring snow, dead/live bugs, food.
Some ideas: pines, snow globes ( plastic, NOT glass), gloves, snowman toy/ornament/ Christmas ornaments, scarf etc. Be creative!

*If possible, put items in Ziploc bags with your child's name, so I know which child brought which items.
*if you want the item RETURNED, please write, PLEASE RETURN on the Ziploc

4.  Foam soap, we need more hand soaps, on our health unit on being  clean. If you can so kindly donate foam bottle soaps, that would be so great. Awesome!

5. STARWEEK, I think some parents might have lost/ misplaced the master sheet of the star week, I will resend out the email today. Please check.
Please bring in the poster to the CHINESE CLASSROOM the Monday of your child star week and come Friday to present the poster. If you want to bring a treat, non food items are much preferred because of all the food allergies. Some ideas are pencils, erasers, magnets, wristbands, glows sticks etc

Come Friday of your child star week to present
AM class--10:35am
PM class--1:05pm

6. BOX TOPS WINNERS for the 1st term:

AM Class---Number 25
PM Class----Number 11

:):):):):):):):):) COngrats!!!!! ^_^

YAY!! These kids has the most amount of box tops collected. A certificate will be given to your child on Monday (today) along with a small gift pack.
Thank you to all for collecting box tops, please keep collecting. Also, remember to write your child's name. A winner will be selected every term!

Agenda for this week.....

1. Chinese---We are going to finish our opposite unit! We are left with 2 more vocabularies.
Tall/Short (heightwise)---------Inside/outside----

We will start out family unit:

2.. MATHS---We will keep reviewing 21-30, how to write/count/say them and most important how to recognize each number. We will keep working on place values. Please make sure your practice with them at home on how to tie rubber bands around sticks.

3.. Science: We will start our winter unit- YAY!

4. Health: We will keep working on good clean habits, flushing the toilet, WASHING HANDS PROPERLY, etc

5. CHINESE TEST: sometime this week on opposites unit! Please review with them!

We are going to have a busy and fun week ahead.....

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