Thursday, December 19, 2013

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

and a Happy New Year 2014!!!
We had a great year so far parents!
Thanks so much to all those volunteers that come faithfully ever week,
or once or twice or those who did some projects for us at home!
We are grateful for all your kind donations to the school, box tops, Lysol/Clorox wipes etc
Thank you for your continual support and love in our classroom.
Thank you for reading and supporting my blog by
helping enforcing the same rules and agenda at home:)
Best of all, thanks for sending your beautiful and awesome kids my way,
it is a privilege to teach them and to learn from them.
Thanks so to all those generous gifts and cards :) Appreciate it all!
ps see you January 2nd 2014, Thursday (when school starts!) Don't be late!

snowy/ crazy weather

Please Please PLEASE be careful out there
Drive extra extra slow and careful, lots of accidents, black ice, fog and SNOW!

BE SAFE!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

proper shoes and volunteers


Please make sure your child brings appropriate shoes such as tennis or running shoes for PE today!

Also, being the last week of school, I don't need any volunteers! Thank you kind parents who take time to help us in our classroom.


Monday, December 16, 2013

Problems on soundcloud!??


I hope all of you can access the sound cloud link, I am going to try and provide step by step instructions:

1. click on the link
2. after clicking link, you will be directed to the sound cloud page, on the top left hand side, you will see lin lao shi and under it, a orange play button and weather (right?)
on the bottom ( in the middle) you will see sunny/cloudy,  rain lightning , snow windy (right?) click on the grey play button.
3. then it will go into another page, you have to click the orange play button again (top left corner)
4. on bottom right page, there are the other selection that you can select, this time when you select it ( do not click the mouse button yet) the orange play button will come up and then click on that and the different words can be played

hope this helps!

ps, being the last week of school, I don't need any parents volunteers! thanks for all your hard work! :)

Friday, December 13, 2013

LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL!!!!! WOOHOOO!!!!! (before our christmas break!)


It has been a cold week this week, hopefully next week will be a little bit warmer!!!


1. If temperatures get too low, or bad weather, there will be indoor recess due to safety reasons.

2. For SNOWY days, when there is outside recess please make sure that your child:
- wears enough warm clothing
- if they want to walk on the snow or play with the snow, they HAVE TO WEAR BOOTS and SNOWPANTS
- do NOT throw snowballs at anyone as it causes injuries
- not SHAKE trees with snow
-not RUN on black ice or on snow(please please many injuries, falls occur because of running!!!!!)

Please help us emphasize SAFETY especially outside when weather conditions are snowy, we want all children to be safe.

3. box tops? pretty please? we need more box tops!

4. a lot of lost gloves in the classroom, usually will end up in the lost and found box (found near the custodian office). One cool tip that one parent did last year was to sew strings to the gloves and attach the right glove to the right sleeve of her child jacket, and the left glove to the left sleeve of the jacket. that way the gloves are always attached to the jacket and not lost.

5. throwing things--lately a lot of kids seem to like throwing things at each other, (eg, toys, blocks, snowballs, etc) please please please please please help me tell them NOT TO! It can hurt another child or person and can cause serious injuries. I know most of them don't mean it, they throw things out of fun but help me tell them there are other ways to have fun.

6. also, for the audio recordings clips that I post up, soundcloud has a new policy, they no longer allow me to post audio recordings on my blog anymore instead, I can only use the link for audio clips now, sorry for the inconvenience caused!

7. THE LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL!!! YAY! Thank you soooo much to those awesome parent volunteers who come faithfully every week, even thank you to those parent volunteers who could come in whenever and who have helped me from their home!!! Thank you so much!!!!! We appreciate you and all your help throughout the year!!!! Being the last week of school, I don't need any parent volunteers, thank you so much and see you when school starts on January 2nd which is a Thursday!!!!


1. Chinese--we will review the weather unit and all the different vocabularies we learn for the year (so far)

2. Math---this time seriously, we will start 1-50
please work on the dots worksheet and their number line

*hopefully after the Christmas break we can continue 1-50 and start addition and subtraction. A great idea to get a head start, is to help me explain the concept of adding and subtracting (during the holidays!) that would help a lot!

*please continue to practice numeral writing and numeral sequence. Some reversals are coming back, especially these numbers 6 and 7 and 9. I know some kids still have trouble writing  8, help me practice with them.

3. Science: we will draw the winter related items that was kindly 'loan' or donated to us. (we will return the items before Christmas break)

Stay warm and smile! :)

Monday, December 9, 2013

audio recordings for Weather!

Hi parents,
I am trying something new, try clicking on the link for the weather vocabulary and the last bit of feelings vocabulary we are learning this week.



We will start 1-50 next week (correction), I want to make sure most or if possible all children know their 1-40 first before moving on. This week we will still work on 1-40

Also, don't forget, PE tomorrow, if your child wears boots to school, remember TO BRING RUNNING SHOES TO CHANGE!!!!

No proper running/tennis shoes = No PE (for safety issues)


Friday, December 6, 2013

Next week schedule:)

We had a great week!!!

Business---please help me enforce these things at home as it will make classroom life easier! Thanks!

1. SNOW DAYS---We had a lot of snow this week! Please help me tell your child NOT to throw snowballs at each other ( as it can cause injuries!), NOT to SHAKE the trees with snows (as that can also cause injuries) and especially NOT TO RUN in the snow (as the sidewalks are still slippery due to black ice) we had quite a few of injuries where children slip and fall (because they were running!) please please please please, help me tell them about SAFETY ISSUES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. Putting things in MOUTH----Yup, it is happening again, where a lot of children love sucking/bitting stuff. I have told them multiple times that those things do NOT go into their mouth as it is dirty. Please help me remind them at home.

3. JACKETS---With the cold weather, a lot of jackets are worn, please help me teach them to zip their jackets, a lot of them want their jackets to be zip up ( as it is chilling cold outside), I will gladly help them zip their jackets, but to help a whole class ( it takes a lot of time)

4. If your child need to go to the office/bathroom please please please let me know first, please explain to your child that they need to tell me and let me know FIRST as it is a safety issue, I need to know where they are. Especially in case of emergencies ( eg fire drill, lock down etc), I don't know where they are and that is dangerous. With a lot of children, it is hard to notice right away if one child goes missing.

5. For RECESS, when MRS GOLD or MRS GOLDYEAR announces BLACKTOP ONLY, it means that they have to keep off the grass ( which might be wet and slippery), please help me tell your child NOT to walk, run, slide down the grass, they have to keep OFF the grass due to safety issues.

*in the event of snow, if your child has NO BOOTS, they cannot play on the snow (due to the safety issues!!!!)

6. ABSENSES-----If you child is sick or you are on a vacation, please refer to my blog on what we are doing that week, especially the audio clips on the vocabulary and MATHS!! that we are learning that week, so that way, your child does not get too far behind when he/she returns to school. I have seen some 'lost' or 'overwhelmed' faces when some children return to school (after being absent)


1. Chinese---
We will continue the expression/feeling unit


and start a new unit..the WEATHER UNIT


2. MATHS----We will start 1-50
Please practice with them at home, especially with their counting and one on one numeral recognition. Some children tend to skip count and practice saying random numbers and asking your child to write it down.

*if you can do it in Chinese (when saying the numbers) that would be great!!!! If not, if you have another child in a upper grade that is also learning Chinese to help say the numbers in Chinese and have your kindergarten child write the numbers in English, that would help a lot.  I know they know their numbers in English, but some struggle with the Chinese part.

*also, as we are learning till 40 now, a few students have been still 'stuck in the 20's phrase' for example,  I draw 34 dots in the ten frames worksheets, they count it as 24, so the ones part is right but they miss a whole set of tens part. please help with practice with them at home. I notice a lot of them count so fast that their dots and actual counting do NOT match OR they skip count. Please emphasize this at home, pretty please.

* This will help so much if they know their numbers and can count from any given number, that would help in their addition and subtraction problems that we will be starting in about 2 weeks time( the last week of school)

*please emphasize,
 CHECKING and DOUBLE CHECKING their work, I told them they need to check for 2 things always, (before handing their assignment to me)

1. Their Chinese Name and their school number
2. They need to re-count and re-check their work

ALOT of students can spot their mistakes before I tell them as a result they have to go back and re-correct it, I have sent a lot of children back once, twice and even thrice to go back and re-correct careless mistakes or nameless and numberless (School number) worksheets
Especially in MATHS, they need to be EXTRA careful

3. Science---We will finish up our winter unit

4. Chinese TEST on feelings/expressions! Please review with them. They love doing their facial/hand/body expressions when I am teaching them the different expressions! Have FUN!

Stay Warm and have a SUPERB weekend----

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

BE SAFE TODAY AND the next few days

Dear Parents,

Be CAreful out there, there is sooooo much snow, early this morning the blizzard was very heavy! Make sure you drive or walk safe to school.

 Remember to bring running shoes to change later for PE.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Back to School after thanksgiving break...yay!!!!

Good Morning Parents,

I hope you had a great thanksgiving break with your children and families :) We are back to full time school this week. We might have some adjustments (getting back into school routine! :) If you can pretty please, really read over the business and agenda section carefully and thoroughly, that would be much appreciated. I know many of you do, thank you!!!

Business: parents, if you can kindly talk about this at home, that would help me re-emphasize what is going on in school:) Thanks!

1. Weather---It is getting colder every week, this week, it has a high chance of snowing (storm coming in tonight) tues-thurs! Please make sure your child comes with adequate warm clothingIf your child wants to wear boots to school, it is fine BUT ON TUESDAYS....they must BRING RUNNING SHOES to change for PE. (due to safety issues!!!)  
*if it snows too hard/rainy days/high winds etc ( bad weather) there will be indoor recess (for safety issues)

2. No Toys at school, there are some kids that bring their toys to school and it is not allowed. Please tell them not to bring any toys to school as it distracts others.

3. LOST items, lost items like jackets/lunchboxes will be put into the lost and found box if no one claims it. The lost and found box is found near the custodian office. IF possible, write their names, so I can identify whose item it belongs to.
* Also, a lot of children leave their jackets outside (during recess) and forget to take their jacket when they come in from recess, I cannot allow them to go outside to take their jacket right away because a--they is no ground duty out there, no one to supervise if anything happens, accidents etc, b--I am not there to see and supervise things and with no adult around, it is dangerous because recess is an open field, anything can happen without adult supervision, even for a few minutes. c--I cannot leave my class unattended while I go with that student to claim their lost item
* if your child lost their belongings, I have shown them where to find them at (during recess or lunchtime or after school)

4. screaming/running in class/hallways. I know the holidays are coming and with that comes excited children but there have been excessive screaming and running in class, please help me tell them to use their indoor voices and tell them to walk in class as it is dangerous to run anywhere in school as there are other students there and accidents occur.

5. Being first---we still have a lot of children that rush through their work and want to be first in any tasks given. Please please please please, help me talk to them at home, ( Especially those that I have mentioned at parent teacher conference) to TELL THEM TO SLOW DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and CHECK THEIR WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am seeing a lot of sloppy work and careless mistakes especially for math, and it is sad because I know that they know their math but because of wanting to be first, they rush and don't check and make a lot of mistakes.

6. Name and school number---Please help me emphasize writing their school number in English and writing their Chinese name together. This helps me identify the student and worksheets and it also helps with filing the papers


1. Chinese-- Expressions unit ---the audio recordings are already posted up. refer to it and practice with them at home


2. Math- We will keep going on with the 30-40 unit. We will keep writing number lines 1-40 and also do the dots worksheet.

* a common mistake I see in the dots worksheet is that even though we have move on to the 30-40 unit, some students are still set on counting 20-30. Please go over with them the worksheets at home.

* we are going to start addition and subtraction unit very soon, so it is very important that your child knows their basic numbers and number sense first before moving on

3. Science: Winter unit: we will go over the different things we see during winter (including the items you have kindly brought in to showcase) thanks!

4. Chinese Test!!!!--on body parts, please review with them. a fun game to do is to play my audio recordings on the body parts and to have your child point to the different body parts! They love this game!

5. Math test, we did not do the math test last week as it was a crazy week, we will do the math test this week on 20-30 unit---which will include number line (writing 1-30) and the dots worksheet.
( it might be today but do NOT panic!) I want to see where they are at in number writing, numeral recognition and number sense)

We are going to have a fantastic week!!!!!

ReCordings for Feelings unit...part 1

Here is the feelings unit for this week! :)
Please Review with them at home!
