Friday, December 13, 2013

LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL!!!!! WOOHOOO!!!!! (before our christmas break!)


It has been a cold week this week, hopefully next week will be a little bit warmer!!!


1. If temperatures get too low, or bad weather, there will be indoor recess due to safety reasons.

2. For SNOWY days, when there is outside recess please make sure that your child:
- wears enough warm clothing
- if they want to walk on the snow or play with the snow, they HAVE TO WEAR BOOTS and SNOWPANTS
- do NOT throw snowballs at anyone as it causes injuries
- not SHAKE trees with snow
-not RUN on black ice or on snow(please please many injuries, falls occur because of running!!!!!)

Please help us emphasize SAFETY especially outside when weather conditions are snowy, we want all children to be safe.

3. box tops? pretty please? we need more box tops!

4. a lot of lost gloves in the classroom, usually will end up in the lost and found box (found near the custodian office). One cool tip that one parent did last year was to sew strings to the gloves and attach the right glove to the right sleeve of her child jacket, and the left glove to the left sleeve of the jacket. that way the gloves are always attached to the jacket and not lost.

5. throwing things--lately a lot of kids seem to like throwing things at each other, (eg, toys, blocks, snowballs, etc) please please please please please help me tell them NOT TO! It can hurt another child or person and can cause serious injuries. I know most of them don't mean it, they throw things out of fun but help me tell them there are other ways to have fun.

6. also, for the audio recordings clips that I post up, soundcloud has a new policy, they no longer allow me to post audio recordings on my blog anymore instead, I can only use the link for audio clips now, sorry for the inconvenience caused!

7. THE LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL!!! YAY! Thank you soooo much to those awesome parent volunteers who come faithfully every week, even thank you to those parent volunteers who could come in whenever and who have helped me from their home!!! Thank you so much!!!!! We appreciate you and all your help throughout the year!!!! Being the last week of school, I don't need any parent volunteers, thank you so much and see you when school starts on January 2nd which is a Thursday!!!!


1. Chinese--we will review the weather unit and all the different vocabularies we learn for the year (so far)

2. Math---this time seriously, we will start 1-50
please work on the dots worksheet and their number line

*hopefully after the Christmas break we can continue 1-50 and start addition and subtraction. A great idea to get a head start, is to help me explain the concept of adding and subtracting (during the holidays!) that would help a lot!

*please continue to practice numeral writing and numeral sequence. Some reversals are coming back, especially these numbers 6 and 7 and 9. I know some kids still have trouble writing  8, help me practice with them.

3. Science: we will draw the winter related items that was kindly 'loan' or donated to us. (we will return the items before Christmas break)

Stay warm and smile! :)

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