Monday, December 2, 2013

Back to School after thanksgiving break...yay!!!!

Good Morning Parents,

I hope you had a great thanksgiving break with your children and families :) We are back to full time school this week. We might have some adjustments (getting back into school routine! :) If you can pretty please, really read over the business and agenda section carefully and thoroughly, that would be much appreciated. I know many of you do, thank you!!!

Business: parents, if you can kindly talk about this at home, that would help me re-emphasize what is going on in school:) Thanks!

1. Weather---It is getting colder every week, this week, it has a high chance of snowing (storm coming in tonight) tues-thurs! Please make sure your child comes with adequate warm clothingIf your child wants to wear boots to school, it is fine BUT ON TUESDAYS....they must BRING RUNNING SHOES to change for PE. (due to safety issues!!!)  
*if it snows too hard/rainy days/high winds etc ( bad weather) there will be indoor recess (for safety issues)

2. No Toys at school, there are some kids that bring their toys to school and it is not allowed. Please tell them not to bring any toys to school as it distracts others.

3. LOST items, lost items like jackets/lunchboxes will be put into the lost and found box if no one claims it. The lost and found box is found near the custodian office. IF possible, write their names, so I can identify whose item it belongs to.
* Also, a lot of children leave their jackets outside (during recess) and forget to take their jacket when they come in from recess, I cannot allow them to go outside to take their jacket right away because a--they is no ground duty out there, no one to supervise if anything happens, accidents etc, b--I am not there to see and supervise things and with no adult around, it is dangerous because recess is an open field, anything can happen without adult supervision, even for a few minutes. c--I cannot leave my class unattended while I go with that student to claim their lost item
* if your child lost their belongings, I have shown them where to find them at (during recess or lunchtime or after school)

4. screaming/running in class/hallways. I know the holidays are coming and with that comes excited children but there have been excessive screaming and running in class, please help me tell them to use their indoor voices and tell them to walk in class as it is dangerous to run anywhere in school as there are other students there and accidents occur.

5. Being first---we still have a lot of children that rush through their work and want to be first in any tasks given. Please please please please, help me talk to them at home, ( Especially those that I have mentioned at parent teacher conference) to TELL THEM TO SLOW DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and CHECK THEIR WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am seeing a lot of sloppy work and careless mistakes especially for math, and it is sad because I know that they know their math but because of wanting to be first, they rush and don't check and make a lot of mistakes.

6. Name and school number---Please help me emphasize writing their school number in English and writing their Chinese name together. This helps me identify the student and worksheets and it also helps with filing the papers


1. Chinese-- Expressions unit ---the audio recordings are already posted up. refer to it and practice with them at home


2. Math- We will keep going on with the 30-40 unit. We will keep writing number lines 1-40 and also do the dots worksheet.

* a common mistake I see in the dots worksheet is that even though we have move on to the 30-40 unit, some students are still set on counting 20-30. Please go over with them the worksheets at home.

* we are going to start addition and subtraction unit very soon, so it is very important that your child knows their basic numbers and number sense first before moving on

3. Science: Winter unit: we will go over the different things we see during winter (including the items you have kindly brought in to showcase) thanks!

4. Chinese Test!!!!--on body parts, please review with them. a fun game to do is to play my audio recordings on the body parts and to have your child point to the different body parts! They love this game!

5. Math test, we did not do the math test last week as it was a crazy week, we will do the math test this week on 20-30 unit---which will include number line (writing 1-30) and the dots worksheet.
( it might be today but do NOT panic!) I want to see where they are at in number writing, numeral recognition and number sense)

We are going to have a fantastic week!!!!!

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