Friday, February 28, 2014

next week is march and its agenda.....


We had a crazy wild reading week organized by our fabulous PTA~ A big hand for them!!!!

Please make sure to go over the business and agenda section as they are very important.


1. Box Tops, we are still collecting! Pretty please.

2.  Please feel free to come to me if you have any questions (related to school and your child)

3. We have a lot of missing items such as lunchboxes, gloves, jackets left in the classroom daily, most with no names, all these items are put into the lost and found box by the custodian office.

4. Biting! We have a lot of biters in our class, I thought duct tape can withstand anything but looks like I am wrong, some kids bit through duct tape :( I put duct tape on their pencil top ( on the metal part) to remind them not to bite or put the pencil in their mouth, please help me talk to them about not biting things.

5. Putting things in mouth, a lot of children love to put things in their mouth, like erasers, pencil tops, toys, blocks, erasers, glue, etc etc, please help me talk to them that it is not safe (as they might swallow and choke on it) and it is unsanitary.  Our awesome volunteers are always wiping down items almost daily.

6. Kindness--We talk about this daily about being kind to others, and to include others in their play time, not be physical etc. Kindness also includes saying nice things and being a friend.

7. Breakfast and Lunch, some kids are always saying they are hungry, and this is usually right when they come to school (AM class) or after lunchtime (PM class) I am wondering do they eat breakfast or lunch? Please help me talk to them about the importance of eating their breakfast and lunch.


1. Chinese---We will begin a short unit on the different flavors.
 Sweet, salty, sour, spicy! (ssss)
I will post up the audio clips on Monday!
This is a tricky unit to teach, we have to do a small taste test, I do not think this will cause problems for food allergies. I will put  4 different flavors on 4 different toothpicks ( maybe sugar-sweet, Salt-salty, lemon juice-sour, I will probably show different examples of spicy like chilli, hot sauce) The children will have to try and guess what flavor the food item is.

2. Math--so we are still working on LOOKING out for the different signs when we do our math worksheets. ( I have combined +1 and -1 in the same worksheet as in there are different problems with either subtraction or addition). Quite a handful of children become lost but once I circle the sign, they understand but still we have some who don't  know what to do.

*please help me review with them at home about LOOKING at the sign
*if it is 1+2=, they should draw one circle and a + sign and then 2 more circles and then = sign and then count the total amount of circles and write 3
*if it is 4-1= they should draw 4 circles and then cross out one circle and then count the remaining circle, and then write 3.

*There are some who got the answer right but they draw the wrong circles, it is considered WRONG, for example 1+5=
they draw 5 circles and then they cross out one circle
they draw 5 circles and then another 1 circle and then cross out the one circle but still end up with 5 circles
they draw 6 circles and then the + sign and then they draw another circle and then they end up with 7

( we are working mostly on our whiteboards for now, they need to know the different sounds for + and - , please refer to my previous postings on the audio clips for these 2 sounds, most of the class can tell the difference but some kids still struggle with recognizing the difference)

We are still working on our dots and number line, it is till 80 now!

3. Writing, we are working on our Chinese journals, where we write the month, date and weather, some kids are recognizing the words :) yay! Some kids have beautiful handwriting for the Chinese characters!

4. Art-- We will do a cool craft...stay tunned :)

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