Tuesday, February 4, 2014

this week show down


Happy Chinese New Year! We had our awesome moms in the AM and PM class organize such a fun Chinese New Year Party for all students on Friday! Thank you!!

Please take time to read this blog frequently, a lot of answers can be found here. :) Thank you!


1. Chinese New Year full dress rehearsal this Wednesday (feb 5th), please make sure your child comes in full attire! NO BLACK CLOTHES PLEASE!!!

Attire: please make sure your child wears red shirt and brown/blue pants/jeans
Girls: hair tied in 2 buns with red ribbons at the bottom of  buns (see previous posts for details and pictures)

Boys: make sure their hair is gel back. *if their hair is short like buzz cut, don't worry about gel!

*if your child has Chinese attire, they are most welcome to wear, for girls, they might want to wear leggings under because it gets cold

2. Chinese New Year Concert is this Friday, feb 7th at 6pm @ Bountiful High School

PLEASE BE EARLY AT 5:40pm (we are going to rehearsal before) also you want to get good seats!
MAKE SURE TO COME IN BY THE FRONT DOORS!!! WE will gather in the hallway!!!

*make sure after your child performs that you PICK UP YOUR CHILD from the left side of the auditorium (if you are facing the stage) Mrs Christensen should be out there waiting for you with your kids! With such a big school and unfamiliar location to our students, we don't want your child to be lost.

Dragon dance
Am kindergarten
Pm kindergarten
1st grade
2nd grade
3rd grade
4th grade

you are very welcome to stay for the whole program but it is long and we understand if you want to leave after your child performs.

3. Box Tops! We still need more!

4.  We are still practicing for our Chinese New Year concert! Please help me remind your child to smile and do their best in singing loudly for the performance.

5. Valentine day party will be next week, feb 13th on Thursday

AM CLASS party will be held in Mrs Christensen's classroom from 12:25pm-1:25pm
For those that volunteered to help in the party, please come early @12:05pm to set up

PM CLASS party will be held in my classroom from 2:15pm-3:20pm
For those that volunteered to help in the party, please come early @ 2pm to set up

* if your child is planning on giving valentine day goodies/bags, please do not write individual name of each student on each bag, it takes too much time!


1. Chinese: we are still learning the fruits vocabulary, we have learnt apple, pineapple and watermelon.  we will learn 3 more fruits this week and 3 more next week.
*refer to the audio posting on fruits ( I hope you are referring constantly to the audio clips and practicing frequently on the vocabularies at home)

*please try to revise with them the vocabulary at home, repetition of the Chinese language is necessary

2. Math, we started +2 (last week) and there were a lot of tears so we put a hold on that, please help me give your child a head start by starting this new concept of +2 with your child at home.
We will keep doing 1-70 and put a hold on +2 till next week.

3. Health: We are still continuing our unit on brushing teeth properly

4. Test: Math +1 this week and 1-60

We are going to have a super week!

1 comment:

  1. Lots of good information! Thanks for all your hard work and dedication.
