Friday, March 14, 2014

next week is wellness week and our agenda


We have wellness week next week, please support by having your child wear or do:

   Monday - wear green

    and Tuesday and the rest of the week, I will update you as there will be changes!


1. Recess rocks in April will only be held in the AM recess (Sorry PM class!)

2. Birthday invitations! Please help me talk to your child about NOT handing them out in school (See email for details)

3. Box Tops--we need more!

4. Name Calling and kindness--We talked about this a lot of times, the latest thing is some children are name calling others mean names/things ,please please talk to them about being kind! (see previous posts on kindness!)


1. Chinese--we will finish learn ocean animals--We will learn

2. Math---we will start -2
Please revise with them beforehand

3. Social studies: we will learn different ways to help others ( including being kind!)

4. Test on ocean animals!
*please refer to audio clips!

Have an awesome weekend!!!


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