We had a great week so far! I am trying to do shorter posts from now on. :)
1. We have the 4th grade program next Wednesday-March 12th at 9:15am and at 2:15pm (for the parents and our PM kindergarten) You are most welcome to watch.
2. Please review previous posts on running! ( inside and outside of the classroom)
3. Please review the chart below on how to write the numbers correctly in Chinese, I noticed a few errors
*on the number 5, I noticed that my original post on it was wrong (oops! sorry!) the tail has to be sticking out from the left side.
*number 8, the 2 strokes has to be not touching each other, I told the kids it has kind of like drawing a triangle
* number 7, the dash has to be slanted like a 45 degrees ( on a protractor), there must be a dash drawn.
1. Chinese-- We are going to start learning about sea animals! I will post up the audio clips on Monday. This unit will be taught for 2 weeks.
(dolphin--fish--sea turtle- sea lion---star fish--shark--whale)
2. Math--We will start +2.
*please refer to old post on how to draw circles for that except that now it is +2 instead of +1
*please make sure they draw their circles CLEARLY and NOT OVERLAPPING other circles.
Dots/numberline--we will move on to 90 now. woohoo!
3. Art---We are going to make a cool project that is sensory:)
4. CHINESE TEST-- on how to write/read Chinese numbers, ( I am amazed at how much these kids know their Chinese numbers from 1-10) For the test, they must be able to read the numbers and write the numbers!
Have a good week:)
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