Friday, January 17, 2014

Please take note as we have alot of important events these coming weeks


Please read and mark your calendars for very important events these coming weeks...Please please please!


1. SEP (parent teacher conference!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it will be held on the last week of January
 ( Jan 27th Jan 31st) Please make sure to SIGN UP ASAP!!!!!!!!!!

Please note the early out schedule all week:

AM CLASS: 8:45am-10:50am
PM CLASS-11:25am- 1:25pm

Please be on time in dropping them off and picking them up!

Please make sure to review and bring your goals (Set at the last SEP) so that we can review them and see if we accomplish them!
Please if you have other older and younger children that they wait in the hallway during SEP conferences!
Please be on time of earlier for your SEP conference as our schedule is packed tightly, being late puts others off schedule!

2. Chinese New Year Party, will be held January 31th-friday in my classroom ( which is the actual day of Chinese New Year) Our cool moms are planning it!

3. Chinese New Year Program-----Please make sure your read the previous post on all the information.

4. January 20-21st (mon and tues) has NO SCHOOL!!! ENJOY a 4 day weekend!!!!!!!

5. Confusion with dashes and dots, I hope I didn't confuse many of you, but with the 10 frames worksheets where the children are drawing dots, for example 58, they can draw 58 dashes instead of dots (if their little hands gets too tired)
BUT for the addition worksheets, please still draw dots/circles. Please follow the format that I have send home on the yellow paper.

6. Library slips, there are still missing slips from the AM class! PM class has all library slips turned in!!! YAY! Remember, no library slips = your child cannot check out books

7. If you have concerns or questions, please feel free to talk to me, of email, I checked my emails frequently.

8. There are still some children coming in late from recess, pretty please talk to your child to watch for their class and to hear their bell, coming in late is becoming a habit for some, please help me tell them at home.

Agenda for our 3 day week next week:

1. Chinese--- We will be reviewing our 3D shapes and doing more comparision between 3D and 2D shapes) example circle and Sphere ( circle is flat but sphere is not) etc

2. Math, we will still continue 1-60, your child can dashes but they have to be individually draw, example 60, they have to draw 60 dashes. We will keep working on addition, please review with them at home.

* a common mistake that I am noticing, that some children miss a whole 10 frame. example, the number 52, they only draw 42 dashes because after drawing 40 dashes, when they proceed to draw the next set, they automatically count 51,52 already, even though it is suppose to be 41,42,
Please make sure that your practice with them at home.

* a trick that a lot of children have been using, that instead of counting from scratch everytime, they count each 10 frame as 10, 20,30, 40, 50,

3. Art, we will make Chinese masks in preparation for Chinese New Year!

Have a greatttttt weekend!

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