Thursday, January 2, 2014

welcome back!

WELCOME BACK Parents and Students from a long long break...
Hope you all had a great Christmas and here's to a GREAT 2014 NEW YEAR AHEAD OF US!

Thanks for all the generous gifts, gifts cards, food, soap, crafts, cards etc! We appreciate all!


1. If you have anymore Lysol/Clorox wipes and hand sanitizers (big and small bottles) pretty please with sugar on top, if you can kindly donate some! We are running dry on our supplies :)

2.  SEP coming up (parent teacher conference!)
The last week of January (27th onwards)
early out week all week, I will check and let you know when you can schedule your appointment, please come on time, as we are packed back to back on time, being late makes the schedule messy.
Remember to bring your goals that we set the last SEP, so we can review.

Pretty please, it is very important to come early, I know it is getting cold and the weather gets crazy sometimes but try your very best to be punctual :)

4. CHINESE NEW YEAR CONCERT is coming up! YAY! We have been practicing some songs, more information to come.

*because this is a very short week, we will be reviewing a lot of vocabularies and preparing for our tests next week.

Agenda for next week (6-10 January, 2014)

we will start 3-D shapes, this will be on the end of the year assessment, so please take note!

2. MATH----we will review 1-50

*please note, I taught them a trick on the dots worksheet, instead of counting from scratch 1,2,3,4, till 49 (for example) they can count each box as 10,20,30,40, then count 9 more. This save times and it is more efficient.
However, it has confused a very very tiny portion of students ( 1-3 students) on this concept, if it helps them to count from 1 onwards, they are welcomed to do so.

* there are still a small amount of students that still struggle with their numbers and concept of sequencing in counting and writing numbers, please take time and help me practice with them at home, this will make their addition and subtraction unit and other parts of math easier if they know their numbers and the concept of numbers.

we will start simple addition, the concept of adding 1
example 1+1=?     3+1=? etc

3. SCIENCE: We will review and compare differences between each weather element, sun, rain, snow, lightening, wind, cloud.

* some children are confused with rain and snow because they both have the same first words BUT the second words of rain and snow are DIFFERENT. Make sure to emphasize the difference

4. TESTS: Science---Weather elements (must be able to draw and say the different vocabularies)
                 Math----------1-50 (review the dots worksheet)

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