Thursday, December 19, 2013

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

and a Happy New Year 2014!!!
We had a great year so far parents!
Thanks so much to all those volunteers that come faithfully ever week,
or once or twice or those who did some projects for us at home!
We are grateful for all your kind donations to the school, box tops, Lysol/Clorox wipes etc
Thank you for your continual support and love in our classroom.
Thank you for reading and supporting my blog by
helping enforcing the same rules and agenda at home:)
Best of all, thanks for sending your beautiful and awesome kids my way,
it is a privilege to teach them and to learn from them.
Thanks so to all those generous gifts and cards :) Appreciate it all!
ps see you January 2nd 2014, Thursday (when school starts!) Don't be late!

snowy/ crazy weather

Please Please PLEASE be careful out there
Drive extra extra slow and careful, lots of accidents, black ice, fog and SNOW!

BE SAFE!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

proper shoes and volunteers


Please make sure your child brings appropriate shoes such as tennis or running shoes for PE today!

Also, being the last week of school, I don't need any volunteers! Thank you kind parents who take time to help us in our classroom.


Monday, December 16, 2013

Problems on soundcloud!??


I hope all of you can access the sound cloud link, I am going to try and provide step by step instructions:

1. click on the link
2. after clicking link, you will be directed to the sound cloud page, on the top left hand side, you will see lin lao shi and under it, a orange play button and weather (right?)
on the bottom ( in the middle) you will see sunny/cloudy,  rain lightning , snow windy (right?) click on the grey play button.
3. then it will go into another page, you have to click the orange play button again (top left corner)
4. on bottom right page, there are the other selection that you can select, this time when you select it ( do not click the mouse button yet) the orange play button will come up and then click on that and the different words can be played

hope this helps!

ps, being the last week of school, I don't need any parents volunteers! thanks for all your hard work! :)

Friday, December 13, 2013

LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL!!!!! WOOHOOO!!!!! (before our christmas break!)


It has been a cold week this week, hopefully next week will be a little bit warmer!!!


1. If temperatures get too low, or bad weather, there will be indoor recess due to safety reasons.

2. For SNOWY days, when there is outside recess please make sure that your child:
- wears enough warm clothing
- if they want to walk on the snow or play with the snow, they HAVE TO WEAR BOOTS and SNOWPANTS
- do NOT throw snowballs at anyone as it causes injuries
- not SHAKE trees with snow
-not RUN on black ice or on snow(please please many injuries, falls occur because of running!!!!!)

Please help us emphasize SAFETY especially outside when weather conditions are snowy, we want all children to be safe.

3. box tops? pretty please? we need more box tops!

4. a lot of lost gloves in the classroom, usually will end up in the lost and found box (found near the custodian office). One cool tip that one parent did last year was to sew strings to the gloves and attach the right glove to the right sleeve of her child jacket, and the left glove to the left sleeve of the jacket. that way the gloves are always attached to the jacket and not lost.

5. throwing things--lately a lot of kids seem to like throwing things at each other, (eg, toys, blocks, snowballs, etc) please please please please please help me tell them NOT TO! It can hurt another child or person and can cause serious injuries. I know most of them don't mean it, they throw things out of fun but help me tell them there are other ways to have fun.

6. also, for the audio recordings clips that I post up, soundcloud has a new policy, they no longer allow me to post audio recordings on my blog anymore instead, I can only use the link for audio clips now, sorry for the inconvenience caused!

7. THE LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL!!! YAY! Thank you soooo much to those awesome parent volunteers who come faithfully every week, even thank you to those parent volunteers who could come in whenever and who have helped me from their home!!! Thank you so much!!!!! We appreciate you and all your help throughout the year!!!! Being the last week of school, I don't need any parent volunteers, thank you so much and see you when school starts on January 2nd which is a Thursday!!!!


1. Chinese--we will review the weather unit and all the different vocabularies we learn for the year (so far)

2. Math---this time seriously, we will start 1-50
please work on the dots worksheet and their number line

*hopefully after the Christmas break we can continue 1-50 and start addition and subtraction. A great idea to get a head start, is to help me explain the concept of adding and subtracting (during the holidays!) that would help a lot!

*please continue to practice numeral writing and numeral sequence. Some reversals are coming back, especially these numbers 6 and 7 and 9. I know some kids still have trouble writing  8, help me practice with them.

3. Science: we will draw the winter related items that was kindly 'loan' or donated to us. (we will return the items before Christmas break)

Stay warm and smile! :)

Monday, December 9, 2013

audio recordings for Weather!

Hi parents,
I am trying something new, try clicking on the link for the weather vocabulary and the last bit of feelings vocabulary we are learning this week.



We will start 1-50 next week (correction), I want to make sure most or if possible all children know their 1-40 first before moving on. This week we will still work on 1-40

Also, don't forget, PE tomorrow, if your child wears boots to school, remember TO BRING RUNNING SHOES TO CHANGE!!!!

No proper running/tennis shoes = No PE (for safety issues)


Friday, December 6, 2013

Next week schedule:)

We had a great week!!!

Business---please help me enforce these things at home as it will make classroom life easier! Thanks!

1. SNOW DAYS---We had a lot of snow this week! Please help me tell your child NOT to throw snowballs at each other ( as it can cause injuries!), NOT to SHAKE the trees with snows (as that can also cause injuries) and especially NOT TO RUN in the snow (as the sidewalks are still slippery due to black ice) we had quite a few of injuries where children slip and fall (because they were running!) please please please please, help me tell them about SAFETY ISSUES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. Putting things in MOUTH----Yup, it is happening again, where a lot of children love sucking/bitting stuff. I have told them multiple times that those things do NOT go into their mouth as it is dirty. Please help me remind them at home.

3. JACKETS---With the cold weather, a lot of jackets are worn, please help me teach them to zip their jackets, a lot of them want their jackets to be zip up ( as it is chilling cold outside), I will gladly help them zip their jackets, but to help a whole class ( it takes a lot of time)

4. If your child need to go to the office/bathroom please please please let me know first, please explain to your child that they need to tell me and let me know FIRST as it is a safety issue, I need to know where they are. Especially in case of emergencies ( eg fire drill, lock down etc), I don't know where they are and that is dangerous. With a lot of children, it is hard to notice right away if one child goes missing.

5. For RECESS, when MRS GOLD or MRS GOLDYEAR announces BLACKTOP ONLY, it means that they have to keep off the grass ( which might be wet and slippery), please help me tell your child NOT to walk, run, slide down the grass, they have to keep OFF the grass due to safety issues.

*in the event of snow, if your child has NO BOOTS, they cannot play on the snow (due to the safety issues!!!!)

6. ABSENSES-----If you child is sick or you are on a vacation, please refer to my blog on what we are doing that week, especially the audio clips on the vocabulary and MATHS!! that we are learning that week, so that way, your child does not get too far behind when he/she returns to school. I have seen some 'lost' or 'overwhelmed' faces when some children return to school (after being absent)


1. Chinese---
We will continue the expression/feeling unit


and start a new unit..the WEATHER UNIT


2. MATHS----We will start 1-50
Please practice with them at home, especially with their counting and one on one numeral recognition. Some children tend to skip count and practice saying random numbers and asking your child to write it down.

*if you can do it in Chinese (when saying the numbers) that would be great!!!! If not, if you have another child in a upper grade that is also learning Chinese to help say the numbers in Chinese and have your kindergarten child write the numbers in English, that would help a lot.  I know they know their numbers in English, but some struggle with the Chinese part.

*also, as we are learning till 40 now, a few students have been still 'stuck in the 20's phrase' for example,  I draw 34 dots in the ten frames worksheets, they count it as 24, so the ones part is right but they miss a whole set of tens part. please help with practice with them at home. I notice a lot of them count so fast that their dots and actual counting do NOT match OR they skip count. Please emphasize this at home, pretty please.

* This will help so much if they know their numbers and can count from any given number, that would help in their addition and subtraction problems that we will be starting in about 2 weeks time( the last week of school)

*please emphasize,
 CHECKING and DOUBLE CHECKING their work, I told them they need to check for 2 things always, (before handing their assignment to me)

1. Their Chinese Name and their school number
2. They need to re-count and re-check their work

ALOT of students can spot their mistakes before I tell them as a result they have to go back and re-correct it, I have sent a lot of children back once, twice and even thrice to go back and re-correct careless mistakes or nameless and numberless (School number) worksheets
Especially in MATHS, they need to be EXTRA careful

3. Science---We will finish up our winter unit

4. Chinese TEST on feelings/expressions! Please review with them. They love doing their facial/hand/body expressions when I am teaching them the different expressions! Have FUN!

Stay Warm and have a SUPERB weekend----

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

BE SAFE TODAY AND the next few days

Dear Parents,

Be CAreful out there, there is sooooo much snow, early this morning the blizzard was very heavy! Make sure you drive or walk safe to school.

 Remember to bring running shoes to change later for PE.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Back to School after thanksgiving break...yay!!!!

Good Morning Parents,

I hope you had a great thanksgiving break with your children and families :) We are back to full time school this week. We might have some adjustments (getting back into school routine! :) If you can pretty please, really read over the business and agenda section carefully and thoroughly, that would be much appreciated. I know many of you do, thank you!!!

Business: parents, if you can kindly talk about this at home, that would help me re-emphasize what is going on in school:) Thanks!

1. Weather---It is getting colder every week, this week, it has a high chance of snowing (storm coming in tonight) tues-thurs! Please make sure your child comes with adequate warm clothingIf your child wants to wear boots to school, it is fine BUT ON TUESDAYS....they must BRING RUNNING SHOES to change for PE. (due to safety issues!!!)  
*if it snows too hard/rainy days/high winds etc ( bad weather) there will be indoor recess (for safety issues)

2. No Toys at school, there are some kids that bring their toys to school and it is not allowed. Please tell them not to bring any toys to school as it distracts others.

3. LOST items, lost items like jackets/lunchboxes will be put into the lost and found box if no one claims it. The lost and found box is found near the custodian office. IF possible, write their names, so I can identify whose item it belongs to.
* Also, a lot of children leave their jackets outside (during recess) and forget to take their jacket when they come in from recess, I cannot allow them to go outside to take their jacket right away because a--they is no ground duty out there, no one to supervise if anything happens, accidents etc, b--I am not there to see and supervise things and with no adult around, it is dangerous because recess is an open field, anything can happen without adult supervision, even for a few minutes. c--I cannot leave my class unattended while I go with that student to claim their lost item
* if your child lost their belongings, I have shown them where to find them at (during recess or lunchtime or after school)

4. screaming/running in class/hallways. I know the holidays are coming and with that comes excited children but there have been excessive screaming and running in class, please help me tell them to use their indoor voices and tell them to walk in class as it is dangerous to run anywhere in school as there are other students there and accidents occur.

5. Being first---we still have a lot of children that rush through their work and want to be first in any tasks given. Please please please please, help me talk to them at home, ( Especially those that I have mentioned at parent teacher conference) to TELL THEM TO SLOW DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and CHECK THEIR WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am seeing a lot of sloppy work and careless mistakes especially for math, and it is sad because I know that they know their math but because of wanting to be first, they rush and don't check and make a lot of mistakes.

6. Name and school number---Please help me emphasize writing their school number in English and writing their Chinese name together. This helps me identify the student and worksheets and it also helps with filing the papers


1. Chinese-- Expressions unit ---the audio recordings are already posted up. refer to it and practice with them at home


2. Math- We will keep going on with the 30-40 unit. We will keep writing number lines 1-40 and also do the dots worksheet.

* a common mistake I see in the dots worksheet is that even though we have move on to the 30-40 unit, some students are still set on counting 20-30. Please go over with them the worksheets at home.

* we are going to start addition and subtraction unit very soon, so it is very important that your child knows their basic numbers and number sense first before moving on

3. Science: Winter unit: we will go over the different things we see during winter (including the items you have kindly brought in to showcase) thanks!

4. Chinese Test!!!!--on body parts, please review with them. a fun game to do is to play my audio recordings on the body parts and to have your child point to the different body parts! They love this game!

5. Math test, we did not do the math test last week as it was a crazy week, we will do the math test this week on 20-30 unit---which will include number line (writing 1-30) and the dots worksheet.
( it might be today but do NOT panic!) I want to see where they are at in number writing, numeral recognition and number sense)

We are going to have a fantastic week!!!!!

ReCordings for Feelings unit...part 1

Here is the feelings unit for this week! :)
Please Review with them at home!


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Happy HOlidays...

Dear Parents,


Remember (wed, thurs, Friday) there is NO SCHOOL!!! Enjoy a 5 day weekend!!!

Also for the Rubber band test............Thanks to a few wonderful parents who actually did it:) You know who you are!!! Thanks for supporting my blog wholeheartedly!!! :) Its you that make a difference!!

AM Class----only 4 students wore rubber bands

PM Class-----only 6 students wore rubber bands

I understand its thanksgiving weekend, many are out of town, getting ready for the holidays, or some that read the blog but forgot the rubber band, its ok:) (refer to my friday22th nov post on the rubber band thingy, if you are not sure what I am talking about). I might do this test again...maybe soon!

Pretty please parents, please read my blog and read the whole blog in detail :) a lot of time is spent writing the blog each week:)

Thanks for all you do!!!
Have a greattttt thanksgiving!!

I am grateful for you all and your precious kids!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Audio recordings for body parts part 2

Please practice with them at home for this week (2 days) vocabulary.


Friday, November 22, 2013

NEXT week is a short week! ...

Dear Parents,

Next week is a short week...Happy early Thanksgiving! tis' the season to be grateful !!!!


1. 27,28,29th November (wed,thurs,fri) THERE IS NO SCHOOL!!! Enjoy a 5 day weekend! YEAH!

2. Shoes on PE days: pretty please with sugar on top, please make sure your sweet kids wear the PROPER shoes on Tuesdays! The gym floor is pretty smooth and not wearing the proper shoes result in injuries. Please make sure your child wears tennis or running shoes!!!

3. Bathroom issues again! Please help me tell your child to use the bathroom when I bring them. Right after bringing the whole class to the bathroom ( which takes a long time), some kids would want to use the bathroom right after. That takes up more time because I am not there to supervise them and they end up taking their time to use the bathroom, wonder in the halls and they miss out on class time.

4. Test time, I notice a few amount of kids tend to FREEZE up during tests time, please always refer to my blog on pronunciation (for the new vocabulary) and constantly revise with them. Repetition is always good for them. Try to test them at home (that would help a million) I have spoken to those parents at SEP if your child FREEZE up during test. If I didn't mention it, your child does great during tests.

5. FEEDING the fish, I know all the students look forward to feeding the fish at the end of my class, I know a lot of children get sad if they don't get picked, I only pick 1 child per class each day, It is usually randomly but a well behaved child :)

6. Waiting in line, I am trying to emphasize this more and more, when in line, they must NOT SHOVE/ PUSH/ KICK/ others because once one falls, its like a domino effect, others fall too and injuries occur. Please help me emphasize to keep their hands to themselves. Also, there are some children that tend to cut/jump the line, I always tell them to go to the back of the line and line up there.

Agenda for our short week :):)

1. Chinese--We will finish up the vocabulary on the body.

2. MATHS---We will start 30-40 on the number line and counting/ drawing dots
Please review with them at home

3. Science---We are still learning about winter and things associated with winter

4. Test for math on 1-30 dots, please make sure they count correctly and carefully, I am starting to see some reversals in some numerals again, please make sure you practice with them at home.

Have a funfunfun and SAFE weekend!

ps, I am doing a test on this blog, to see who actually reads my blog and reads the whole  blog in detail , if you are reading this, please make sure your child wears a rubber band (any color)on their left hand on Monday :)
(do not pass the message along, pretty please)

Windy day today..and tommorow too


Please be careful as today the winds are pretty strong, it has stopped for now (thankfully) but I heard it will return early this afternoon. If the winds get strong and crazy again, we will keep your children inside for recess (for safety issues)
Also, for dismissal times if you are late, your child will most likely be in the office as it is very cold outside.

Thanks and be SAFE!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Hi Parents,

Don't Forget! We have PE today! Please make sure your child wears the appropriate shoes, like tennis/running shoes! The gym floor is pretty smooth and we want to make sure everyone is safe by wearing the proper shoes:)

*if your child wants to wear boots, make sure they bring shoes to change out.


Monday, November 18, 2013

Audio recordings for the BODY vocabulary we are learning this week!


We are learning this week about the different parts of the body!
Please review with them:)

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Next week Menu (for learning in school) !!

A BIG THANK YOU to all you parents for coming on time and coming earlier for SEP! Isn't it so fun to see how much your child have grown and how much they have learned! We enjoy them very much in our class. Thank you for your constant support and help!
Thanks for being patient in waiting as we finish up each student/parents session of SEP.

Business: Yolooooo

1. Flu/Fever/Cough ---tis the season of sickness is here. We have been practicing washing our hands and covering our mouth with our elbow when we cough/sneeze. If your child is sick, PLEASE keep them at home. With little kids, once one kid is sick, it spreads like wildfire. Also, we are running low on CLOROX/LYSOL wipes, if you have an extra bottle at home, please if you can so kindly donate one to my classroom, we use that a lot of wipes each day to clean the desks, chairs etc.

2. Numbers with their names---if they can start writing their number in English with their Chinese names, that would be much appreciated, it will make things easier. (their number comes with their names)

3. JOIN the PTA! pretty please! We need more members! Its only $6 a whole YEAR! The PTA does so much for the school! Plus we need have extra bonus this year, where our goal is to get 40 more members and every 10 new members that join, the teachers will do different stunts!

4. Notes from SEP: Remember to practice the proper numeral and letter strokes,  ( it was in the back to school night packet), have your child say the strokes as they are writing as this helps with reversals. Also, relax pencil grip, Mrs Christensen taught---pick up the pencil by pinching it with the thumb and pointer finger and let the pencil fall back and let the pencil rest between the thumb and pointer finger and have the third finger support the pencil. 

Also, I have mention to some kids to SLOW down doing their work, do NOT rush and do a sloppy/careless job especially in Math. Being First is NOT important, checking their work is much better. However there are some that need to speed up when they are doing their work . I have told you all at SEP, if I didn't mention it, that means your child works at a great speed :) Also, this blog, please refer to it constantly, hopefully it has helped you in many ways, please refer back to the audio recordings often as repetition helps a lot of students.

Agenda for next week ( Nov 18-22th)

1. Chinese-- We will start learning the body unit:

2. Tests on Family sometime next week (never on a Monday)
(please go back to this blog on audio recordings on the pronunciation and review with them)
so these vocabularies :

3. Maths---We will keep working on 1-30, most of the students have no problem writing 1-30, we are currently working on the dots worksheet for counting/number sense. Please practice with them at home on number sense, for example, say random numbers (from 1-30) eg 28, have them pick up or set aside 28 cheerios/ marbles/ beans. That way you can check their counting and number sense, that they are able to form that connection between the number and amount.

*if possible to have them count in Chinese, if they have an older sibling learning Chinese, have them check their counting :)

*we will have a test soon on 1-30 numbers but in a different format, like the dots worksheet.

4. Science, We are still learning about winter, we need more winter items, please no DEAD/LIVE bugs/animals and NO SNOW (frozen or melted) If your child can bring something winter-related, that would be awesome, if you can put the item in a bag with their name, that would be great! If you want the item returned, please write PLEASE RETURN on the bag

5. Health: We are still learning on washing hands correctly, covering mouth and also other good clean habits, like flushing the toilet etc

Have a Great weekend!!!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A message from our awsome PTA-President!

The PTA is having a membership drive as you can read about it on the flyer that has been sent home today.  Thanks to those who have already joined.  If you have overlooked joining, please support them by becoming a member today.  They are holding a school-wide membership contest.  Help the students watch selected teachers perform a silly/exciting task by reaching their goals. Their ultimate goal is to have 40 more members.  Here are the performances the students will be able to enjoy as goals are reached:

  • -10 new members=Mrs. Rasmussen, Mrs. Juarez, & Lim Lao Shi will kiss a goat
  • -20 new members=Mrs. Wallis, Mrs. Lawrence, & Mrs. Mullins will have a pie eating contest
  • -30 new members=Mrs. York, Mrs. Roach, & Mrs. Johnson will eat a chocolate covered bug
  • -40 new members=Vonzaa, Ms. Foreman, & Mr. Butler will perform to "What Does the Fox Say?"

Without PTA the school would not be able to provide the many wonderful activities that the students are currently enjoying.  Thanks for your support.

Well...There ya have it.  Thanks so much for including this in your notes! Please help us push to get just 40 more members!!  In all reality, it is not that many :) and just think of how entertained the students are going to be with these fun events that are going to take place!!

Teresa and the PTA membership committee



Monday, November 11, 2013


Dear Parents,

All of you should have receive your reminder letters for appointment times for SEP! See you all this week!


-Be on Time

*if you have other children, if they can wait in the hallway (there is crafts for them to do) that would be great!

*take note of new times that students come and get off school ( half  day schedules all week!)

AM CLASS ----8:50am---10:50am
PM CLASS----- 11:25am--1:25pm

*there is NO LUNCH all  week
*there is NO ENGLISH class all week

Also, because of half day schedules, all parent volunteers you have the week off ! (just the week of SEP)Thank you so much with your help!

We have an awesome book fair that the PTA organized! come and check it out!

Hope to see you all here soon!

REcordings for family PART 2

Please review with them the second half of the family vocabulary.


Friday, November 8, 2013

Next week agenda...Nov 11- 15


Thanks for a FUN and SUPER Halloween party! Organized by our cool moms! Thanks to those who came and help out and help set up and clean up!
You should receive a thank you card from our class.

Business....Please READ CAREFULLY...

Make sure your sign up already. Take note of the new times next week, it will be half day every day from Monday to Friday (so treat everyday next week like a Friday schedule), please be on time in dropping off your child and picking them up.

*parents if you are running late, your child will be waiting in the office ( its safer there than waiting near the roads)

AM CLASS----- 8:50am-10:50am
PM CLASS-----11:25am-1:25pm

*there is NO English class and NO lunch for our kindergarteners

*ATTENTION to those that sign up Monday morning (during class time) class will still be going on, but we will pull students out when it is their time slots.

*also, if you sign up for times after class time, please MAKE SURE you bring your child. This is the best time for your child to show what they have learn in Chinese! yay!

*if you have younger kids or older kids, if they can wait in the hallway, there are crafts for them to do outside ( eg coloring). That would be very much appreciated:)

*Please be on time for your scheduled time, if possible, come a few minutes earlier

2. SNOWY DAY---We are approaching cold/snowy days, please make sure your child wear warm clothes/jackets and if you them to wear boots, that is great but make sure every Tuesday, they bring their running/tennis shoes to change for PE.

3. BEING FIRST is not important, we are still having a lot of students rush through their work, because of wanting to be first. As a result of that, careless mistakes are made or they do a sloppy job, then I have to send them back to re-do their work. Time is wasted. Please help me emphasize that they CHECK their work and NOT RUSH through their work. It is very important especially for maths.

4.COMPUTER CLASS---Please practice with your child trying their username and password. The district has a new privacy policy where only the computer teacher is allowed to help the children with their login information. Sometimes, it is a difficult for the teacher to help each student right away as they have a short time (20 minutes).

5. GLUE/MARKERS---Some student love putting these 2 items in their mouth, I try and spot them and take these items out of their mouth, I always tell them NOT to put items in their mouth, especially these 2 items. As a result, I spend a lot of time, wiping their mouths ( because it gets sticky or there is color around their mouth and face)

6. SHOELACES/Zippers---please help your child with tying their shoelaces, there are a couple of incidents of students walking and did not realize their shoelaces are untied, and they trip over their shoelaces and fall. I tried tying some everyday and it takes up a lot of time, please help me practice with them at home. Also their jackets, if you can help me teach them how to zip their jackets, now that winter is here, a lot of jackets are worn and a lot of kids do not know how to zip their jackets.

7. RUNNING in hallways or in class---A lot of students love to run in the hallways or in class, I always tell them to walk because a lot of them bump into other students and fall. Injuries occurred. Please help me tell them to walk and not rush/ run.
8. Also, they need to write their numbers with their Chinese name, the number comes with their name ( for filing and school purposes) Please make sure you practice with them writing their numbers ( in English)

9. Because of SEP WEEK next week and half day schedules, I don't need volunteers (just for SEP week), so you have a free day! Thanks kind parent volunteers for coming in faithfully :) I appreciate you all!

Agenda for next week:

1. CHINESE---We are going to continue our FAMILY vocabulary


*I included these words below into the family unit as these are helpful to know

ME / YOU / HIM & HER--------US / YOU ALL / THEM-----

2. MATHS---there is a lot of confusion on the dots worksheet. Hopefully all of your receive the practice sheets. The orange one is a blank sheet, you can create your own questions. The light beige one is fill with numbers on one side and dots on the other side.

Side 1:
Number side, there are 3 problems, so there are 3 different numbers, your child has to fill up the correct amount of dots to match the number

For example ( you should see something like this)



your child need to draw 8 dots
( I use smiley faces but make sure they use dots)


On the other side (side 2), you should see something like this


your child need to count the amount of dots and correctly write the amount (which is 10) above the ten frames



So hopefully this make sense, we had a lot of confusion where students would draw in missing dots (on the side that has dots drawn already) or try and guess how many dots that was.
Please make sure you check their counting. I taught them to use their finger and to SLOWLY count and move their finger as they move to the next number.
(some tend to skip count, of their finger move faster than what they count, or vice versa)

* also, I notice that a very few amount of students miss counting by 10, for example if the number is 25, they only draw 15 dots instead, they miss 10 more dots.

*help me emphasize CHECKING THEIR WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

* the only difference between my example here on the blog and their actual worksheet is that they are 20-30 frames.

3. Science: We are still studying about winter and what we wear during winter.

4. HEALTH: We will continue our good cleaning habits, washing hands properly, covering our mouth when we cough or sneeze. (probably for this whole month)

5. Social Studies:  Learn how to be good citizens. Example, not littering, being KIND and RESPECTFUL to others, RECYCLE.

Please feel free to talk to me about anything related to school or about your child (if you have questions or concern) You can always email me and I will response as soon as I can or if you want to meet me, the best way is to make an appointment with me.

Your kids are great, they have learn soooo many things in Chinese and are smart kids! They are teaching me more than I am teaching them. Xie Xie! :):)

Have a SUPER weekend!!! ^____^

Tuesday, November 5, 2013



Drive safe or walk safely to snow. It is very slippery and the roads are still wet and snowy! Please make sure your child wears a warm jacket and if they wear snow boots/ boots, please MAKE SURE they bring tennis/running shoes to CHANGE for PE later.

Stay Warm!

Monday, November 4, 2013

This week--Nov 4th- Nov 8th

Good Morning Parents,

I hope you had a good 3 day weekend!

Back to Business:

1. SEP CONFERENCE---Please SCHEDULE asap. There are still some empty slots. This is a good time for your child to show you what they learn and have been doing in Chinese! Also, a good time to set goals with your child on helping them be even better students.

*please note: there is NO ENGLISH CLASS and NO LUNCH for our kindergarteners as it is half day schedule all week.
Please be on time to PICK UP and DROP OFF your child! (children get sad when their parents are late picking them up)

Please note the new times for drop off and pick up

AM CLASS---8:50am-10:50am

PM CLASS--11:25am-1:25pm

2. FAMILY PICTURES!, We are going to be starting our family unit soon. I need a family picture from each child. Please make sure to bring a recent one ( if you can) and put it in a Ziploc to protect the pictures.

3. WINTER RELATED ITEMS: if you can bring something related to winter, that would be great, we will be starting out winter unit soon. Please DO NOT bring snow, dead/live bugs, food.
Some ideas: pines, snow globes ( plastic, NOT glass), gloves, snowman toy/ornament/ Christmas ornaments, scarf etc. Be creative!

*If possible, put items in Ziploc bags with your child's name, so I know which child brought which items.
*if you want the item RETURNED, please write, PLEASE RETURN on the Ziploc

4.  Foam soap, we need more hand soaps, on our health unit on being  clean. If you can so kindly donate foam bottle soaps, that would be so great. Awesome!

5. STARWEEK, I think some parents might have lost/ misplaced the master sheet of the star week, I will resend out the email today. Please check.
Please bring in the poster to the CHINESE CLASSROOM the Monday of your child star week and come Friday to present the poster. If you want to bring a treat, non food items are much preferred because of all the food allergies. Some ideas are pencils, erasers, magnets, wristbands, glows sticks etc

Come Friday of your child star week to present
AM class--10:35am
PM class--1:05pm

6. BOX TOPS WINNERS for the 1st term:

AM Class---Number 25
PM Class----Number 11

:):):):):):):):):) COngrats!!!!! ^_^

YAY!! These kids has the most amount of box tops collected. A certificate will be given to your child on Monday (today) along with a small gift pack.
Thank you to all for collecting box tops, please keep collecting. Also, remember to write your child's name. A winner will be selected every term!

Agenda for this week.....

1. Chinese---We are going to finish our opposite unit! We are left with 2 more vocabularies.
Tall/Short (heightwise)---------Inside/outside----

We will start out family unit:

2.. MATHS---We will keep reviewing 21-30, how to write/count/say them and most important how to recognize each number. We will keep working on place values. Please make sure your practice with them at home on how to tie rubber bands around sticks.

3.. Science: We will start our winter unit- YAY!

4. Health: We will keep working on good clean habits, flushing the toilet, WASHING HANDS PROPERLY, etc

5. CHINESE TEST: sometime this week on opposites unit! Please review with them!

We are going to have a busy and fun week ahead.....

Recordings for Family part 1

Here is the recordings for the family unit.
Please review with them.


Friday, November 1, 2013

Recordings for opposites part 3

Hi Parents,
These are the last 2 vocabularies for the opposites unit.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Next week happenings!


We had a great week! Many of your kids know their opposites vocabulary very well! They are very smart kids! Thanks for your hard work in reviewing with them (at home) Also, for their 1-30, many can write them very well! I am so proud of them.

Business...Please  help me talk about it at that we can make the classroom and school a safer and fun place for all students.
Early out all week of SEP CONFERENCE ( treat every day of this week- Nov 11-15 like a Friday schedule)

AM CLASS---8:50am-10:50am
PM CLASS--11:25pm-1:25pm

*there is no English class during the week of SEP and there is NO lunch (because of half day schedules)
* please be on time in picking up and dropping off your child

2. Every Tuesday---We have recess rocks! A cool idea organized by our awesome vice principal and our great PTA has spend a lot of HARD WORK putting this idea together and organizing it. Random students (4 students each week, per class) is selected to go to recess rocks. There are many fun games they get to play. They learn about different rules, teamwork etc--many good qualities. I know some students can get sad or upset that they don't get chosen for that week, help me explain to them (At home) that will all get a turn eventually.
3. Every Thursday--We have walk the track! That means, all students are encouraged to walk the track, (as many laps as possible) This is promote healthy lifestyles, after all we are a GOLD MEDAL SCHOOL. Please make sure your child WALK and NOT run, there are so many students out walking out there!
 running = accidents! Also, they cannot walk on the grass, they have to walk on the path.
4.BOX TOPS---We are doing great collecting! Keep collecting! yay! also, when you bring the box top papers, please write your child name-- I have some 'nameless' slips of box tops sheets, I asked all students to claim the nameless sheets, but everyone claim it was theirs, so I don't know.

5. I need family pictures, if possible a RECENT one please? We are learning about family members soon. A medium size one would be best, wallet size is a little small, bigger than wallet size please? Please put pictures in Ziploc bags (to protect pictures) Don't worry, I will return the pictures back to you.

6. Some students struggle with rubber bands. What I mean is, when we tie rubber bands around our ice cream sticks (for maths) some students get frustrated with trying to tie rubber bands to bundle up the sticks. Please practice with them at home, that would help me sOoooo much.

7. If you can bring something winter related as we are going to learn about winter soon. Please DO NOT bring snow,  live/dead bugs/animals or food
Some ideas: snowflakes, snowman ornament, Christmas ornament, wreaths-mini or small ones, pines, snow globe ( plastic ones!) scarf, gloves,  etc. Be as creative as you can.
If possible, put items in zip lock bags with your child name, so that way, we know which student bought which item.

*if you want the item returned, please write PLEASE RETURN!

8. If you have extra foam soap at home, if you can so kindly donate a bottle that would be great( this is for our health lessons on how to wash hands better) We will also use the soap to wash our hands in the classroom

9. A lot of kids want to be the first in any tasks/assignments given, as a result of that, they rush through their work and they end up with careless mistakes or do a sloppy job, I have emphasize this MANY TIMES in the classroom. If you can help me talk to them at home, being 1st is not important, doing their best in their work and CHECKING their work is more important. Also, while they are rushing to be first, they tend to shove/push/run and injuries occur, please help me tell them to walk and NOT run and to keep their hands to themselves.

Agenda......lots to learn/do
1. CHINESE---:):):) We are still learning more opposite vocabularies.
TALL/SHORT (height wise)------INSIDE/OUTSIDE---

Then we will start our family vocabulary!

2. MATHS---We will continue to learn about 21-30
Most can write it really well, but some struggle after 20, a few students write this (after 20) ,11,12,13,14 (which is wrong) it should be 21,22,23,24 etc. Please help me practice. I see reversals appearing.

*As for the ice cream sticks, and the concept of place value, we are still learning how to tie rubber bands around the ice cream sticks, many can do it. Even after demonstrating how to tie rubber bands around ice cream sticks, some students still cannot tie. Please practice with them at home on how to tie rubber bands around sticks or things.

* we are starting to count dots in 10 frames ( up to 30) I will send home a practice sheet next week on how it looks like. On one side, they must learn to count the dots ( in the 10 frames) on the other side, they have to put the right amount of dots to match the amount  I write.

For example on one side:
they have to count the right amount and write 23






 On the other side:
it will be blank like this, with (for example) a number like 25





then they have to draw the right amount of dots like this






 * I use smiley faces instead of dots but please make sure they use DOTS
 Hopefully this makes sense. They need to know to match amount and numbers together.

3. SCIENCE: All of you should have receive your fall items back, if you have labeled return on your item or on the zip lock.  We will start learning about winter, so bring something winter related.

4. HEALTH: We are still learning about good hygiene practices. ESPECIALLY how to wash hands carefully and better.

5. CHINESE TEST---on opposites vocabulary. Please revise with them at home, refer to my blog on the pronunciation.  The test can be any day of the week, be prepared. It wont be on a Monday. FYI


 ps, thanks for all your great help and support in and outside the classroom! I really appreciate it. :) :) :)