Monday, September 23, 2013

monday business sept 23

Zao An (means good morning in Chinese)

Hope you all had a good weekend!

Some item of BUSINESS:
- It is going to be extra cold this week, please make sure your child/children wears/brings a jacket to school,  it they do NOT have a jacket, I am sorry, I cannot send them to recess, they have to wait in the office. I am more strict on this as I regard them as my own children and would not send them out in cold temperatures without a jacket. In the office, they can either call home to ask you to bring their jacket or just wait till recess is over. Please remember- JACKETS

- I will send an email with contact information regarding the mom that wants to swap days with someone.

- CHINESE TEST this week, review their colors, red, yellow and blue. yellow is pronounced with a H sound NOT a K sound. Also, on their test, I will ask them to SAY their Chinese name and WRITE their numbers in ENGLISH (that comes with their names)

-WEDNESDAY- . DUE to privacy and Security issues, we cannot have parent volunteers help children with their login information. THIS HAS CHANGED RECENTLY! So Sorry!

-Colors we are learning this week- GREEN,PURPLE, BROWN, WHITE (stay tuned for the audio clips, send out by email)

-TECH TREK- I think we are good with baskets as our kind principal-Ms Vonzaa has baskets, grass, plastic wrap, bows for the baskets. Please continue to bring baby stuff till TUESDAY!

-THURSDAY- we have TECH TREK, so remember your pledge sheets, come and walk laps and raise funds for our school to buy technology equipment. We also have the SILENT AUCTION going on ( I think it is in the gym) Come and Support our amazing school!

-Fridays are half days, there are still come kids waiting for awhile till their parents/guardians/carpools show up, they get scared and cry. PLEASE make sure you come ON TIME
AM class- 8:45am-10:50am
PM class-11:25am-1-25pm

Remember Your child STARWEEK, bring in their poster to the CHINESE classroom on the MONDAYS of your starweek and come that FRIDAY (of that week) and present that poster
AM class- 10:30am
PM class-1;00pm

*if you want to bring a treat, please make sure it is NOT food, there are so many food allergies. Non food items are appreciated like pencils, bracelets, erasers, etc, (if you need ideas, you can talk to me)
BOX TOPS- we always need that, please try your best to collect as many as you can, also, try to cut as close to the edge of the box top as you can.

I think that should probably sum up this week of great happenings! Thank you so much for your time and efforts in helping, donating your time, items and efforts to make kindergarten successful.

Please always feel free you can talk to me anytime :)

Cheers to a good week ahead!

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