Friday, September 27, 2013

THANK YOU and NEXT WEEK SEPT 30 to OCT 4th Agenda...

Thank you dear parents for supporting our great school in TECH TREK yesterday! It was fun to see your kiddos walking laps for our school.

Whats going on next week:

COLORS---- We are going to learn black, orange, pink and grey! Then we are done with colors! There will be CHINESE TEST for colors soon...stay tuned! All the tests (for vocabularies are always done orally, I don't expect them to know how to write the Chinese characters)

MATHS----We are still going to be doing the 10 frames, most kids already got the hang of the 10 frames, there are some that need that extra help, please revise with them, there will be a MATH TEST  sometime next week on this (1-10), they must count and place the correct amount in the ten frames) We are going to start 1-20 next week, using our 20 frames.

SCIENCE-- We will be learning about FALL season

Your children are learning so much each day, I have seen all this progress and growth that they are making in Chinese. Thanks for constantly helping them and being involve with school.

THANK YO U VOLUNTEERS for coming faithfully and help us in our classroom, sorry I can't say hi or talk to you right away when you come and help but know that I know and appreciate your time and efforts.

some items of BUSINESS....( not to sound like a broken record but please HELP me with the following) :

ACCEPTABLE USE FORM: There are still 4 students' parents that have NOT sign the acceptable use form. Please read my email and check. Please do so as soon as possible. Pretty please.

KIND WORDS: still teaching the children to use KIND words especially when they are talking to others. Being mean is not allowed and to be friends with everyone, to love everyone and to include everyone. Please help me re-emphasize this at home.

BATHROOM: We are having less and less potty accidents in our class..YAY! However, they are still some kids that want to go to the bathroom right after (like 10 minutes) I just brought the whole class to the bathroom. Once I allow one kid to go, a bunch of kids all want to go too, a lot of time is wasted. Those are the same kids that play with water in the bathroom and not use the potty. Please help me tell them to USE the potty when I bring them to the bathroom.

PENCIL---Most of the children know how to hold their pencil correctly--YAY! There are still some that need extra practice, please help me practice with them at home

FALL RELATED ITEMS: Starting on Monday, if you can so kindly send an item with your child that is fall related. Something that is not expensive and can stay in the class. For example, you can bring, small squash, leaves, acorns, pumpkins etc. Something that the children can touch, hold, observe. Please do NOT bring live/dead bugs, insects etc.  Put the item in a Ziploc bag with your child's name and number on it. If you want that item back, please write please 'return back' on the Ziploc bag.

JACKETS!----There are still some kids that do NOT bring jackets to school, they will have to stay indoors instead of going to recess because of the cold temperatures. They cannot call home anymore for their jackets as the office gets busy.

LOST AND FOUND BOX-- There are a lot of 'stray' items at the end of the day, like jackets, lunchbox, water bottles with no names, I always would ask the whole class whose does the items belong to, usually no one claims it, I will put it in the lost and found box ( by the custodian office).

BOX TOPS--- keep collecting those box tops, our school needs all the help we can get!

Stay Amazing! :)
Have a FUN and LONG weekend!

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