Friday, September 20, 2013

What we learnt this week.......sept 16th-20th

Ni Hao dear parents,

For the math side, we learn how to count 1-10 forward and backward in Chinese, they have learn the hand signals that come with each number, we learned to count in 10-s till 100.We learned the colors Red, Yellow and Blue. There are a couple of students that are confuse with yellow and red, maybe because both of them start with the H sound. I did notice some students when they are saying yellow, they saying 'Kwang se', I don't know where the K sound is coming from, please refer back to my email on the audio clips of the color yellow, please help me correct that mistake, it is 'Huang se' (for yellow) make sure you hear the H sound. I am going to do a mini test next week (any day next week, so be prepared) on each student, please review with them:

- Their Chinese name
-Their number (they must be able to write their number) *their number comes with their name
-Colors, red, yellow, blue ( they must be able to say all these colors correctly)
[ if they say Kwang se for yellow, it will be considered wrong, not to be harsh of anything but the word kwang has another meaning]

I am so proud of your kids! Each and every one of your child is learning so much. It is amazing to see how their minds have grown! They have been very patient with me, I have been learning so much more for them. Thank you! Also, thank you for being so generous in helping us in the classroom, donating baby items for tek track, cutting out box tops and  donating classroom supplies! Parental support is so important to us! :) ps, we have been getting less and less cry-ers (students that cry), I think they have settled into the school routine and have slowly become more and more independent! :)

Some items of business, please make sure for those parents that have not signed the acceptable use agreement for the computer class, that you do so immediately. Weekly classroom volunteers, you will need to come to the office and sign a volunteer form. There is just some requirements on the form (for volunteering), it is nothing scary but it is just to make sure we are on the same page. Please make sure that on Tuesdays, your child wears RUNNING SHOES for PE, a lot of kids still wear crocs, boots, sandals, and slippers, this is dangerous for them in PE. Please make sure your child attends school everyday (except weekends and major holidays) unless they are sick, missing one day of school is missing a week worth of class! There is no makeup homework if you child misses school, they just have to catch up with the rest of the class! If your child is sick or you are running late, please call and notify the office. Do try your best to be on time to class!
Next Week- We are going to have a vision screening for each student on Friday, please make sure your children come to school. We are also going to learn 4 more colors- Green, Purple, Brown and White. Hopefully I will figure out on to attach audio clips onto this blog if not I will email you the audio clips. Also, we will keep practicing our Math, we will start using our ten frames and they need to able to use object to show the amount. For example the number 5= they must correcly place five circles into the 10 frames etc. We also started practicing our songs for Chinese New Year  program next year. (more information will be provided later)
leaving you with a funny quote from one of our students--- 'Lin Lao Shi, do you sleep in the school? I never seen you leave the school, that's cos when I come to school, you are already here, when I leave school, you are still here, you must live here, where is your bed? '
Gota love these cute kids!
Thank you for being awesome!~ ^_^ STAY TUNNED.....................

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