Friday, October 4, 2013

Fridays and Next week agenda OCT 7th-11th

Cheers to a great week! The bathroom situation is UNDER CONTROL for now...! yay! Thank you for talking to your kiddos at home! I am grateful to those faithful followers of my blog! I will try my best to update it frequently and submit new things that is helpful, sorry if I always keep repeating stuff, it is either because it is not done or it is urgent! Your kids have learned all their colors! YAY! I am so proud of them! There are some that I suspect might be color-blind, I am NOT SURE! In your spare moment, can you help me test their colors in English? And make sure they know and tell the different between colors in English. If I suspected your child is color blind, I already talked to you about it, don't panic, not everyone is, just a very few little tiny amount MIGHT BE.

BUSINESS......As usual...

1. I hope you all understand 10 frames now, I gave you a paper with 20 frames- 2 ten boxes because when we learn 20 frames, I don't have to make a new set again, (save trees and papers) Hopefully all of  you know how to use them. It is to help students count better, remember to start from the top row, left to right and then proceed to the bottom row, also  left to right.

2. A very few amount of my students disappear after recess, I am teaching them the buddy system, if they have to go somewhere, like the toilet or the office etc, they need to take a buddy and tell someone else or ME (preferably) where they are going FIRST before heading to that location. I am always afraid that they end up missing. Please help me emphasize this at home. SAFETY ISSUE!

3. Help me practice their math at home, I think all of the children have no problem counting 1-10, quite a handful needs help writing 1 to 10 ( NO REVERSALS) Practice with them number representation using the 10 frames. For example, you say number 7, they must count (cheerios, M&Ms etc) and place them  (at the same time) correctly in the boxes (for ten frames), so they will place 7 cheerios in the boxes correctly, please refer to my blog on how they should place these cheerios.
I am going to start pulling students aside and have a parent or my aide work with them with their numbers. There will be a test soon on numbers...stay tuned.

4. Please continue to emphasize to use  KINDNESS and KIND WORDS at school. Being kind to others is so important, kindness include, nice words, smile, helping others etc.

5. BOX TOPS!! please help me keep collecting it!
The LEADING student for BOX TOPS ARE

AM CLASS-- number 25
PM CLASS- number 11

A BIG congrats to those 2 students that are leading the class in collecting box tops! Some of the students are pretty close while some have not turn in any box tops yet, pretty please start collecting them? Thanks!

* I am not putting kids' names here for safety issues. :)

6. I notice a lot of children read their numbers backwards, we started number search on monday, where they are given 1-100 numbers and when I say and write the number on the board, they have to find it and place a square block on it. I observed them and this is what I notice:

 when I say numbers like 74, quite a handful of children will place a square block on 47 etc. also, when I ask students to look for 46, they find 96 instead (because some write their 4 like a 9) or to look for 77, some students find 22 instead or  I notice a lot of students get 4,6,and 9 mix up.
That's why I always emphasize their numeral writing. Please help me practice with them writing,  (write legibly and correctly) and number search at home.


1. We will be learning SHAPES! yes! Circle, Square, Triangle, Rectangle. I will put up the audio clips on this blog. Please refer to it all the time and revise with your child at home.

2. Math- due to many reversals and confusion with 10 frames, we were not able to advance to 20. We will start learning 11-20 next week. The children will learn to write 1-20 in English but count in Chinese. Please revise with them writing, and watch for REVERSALS! If they are suppose to write 12 and they write 21, it is considered wrong as it is a different number.

3. Science, we start briefly learn about fall, we will continue next week, we are still waiting for FALL RELATED ITEMS! ( NO live/dead bugs, animals please) Some good ideas, squash, pumpkin, leaves, acorns, corn, decorative corn. Please put items in Ziploc (unless they are too big) and write your child name and class (am or pm) on it, if you want the item returned, please write, return back on the bag

4. 9th Oct (wed) is walk to school day, try and have your children walk to school that day, unless you live far away. Better yet, join your children in walking to school

5. 10th Oct (thurs) Boo to the Flu in our school. Flu immunizations are given at our school from 4pm-7pm. Please come and get vaccinated against the dreadful flu....Bring your insurance cards and also come early to fill up medical forms.

6. CHINESE TEST on their remaining colors which are black, orange, pink, grey, green, purple, brown and white! Please go over with them! Refer to my blog for pronunciation help.
*I notice some children get confused with BROWN and ORANGE! They sound a little bit similar, brown is ZONG se, orange is CHENG se! Some get confuse with black and white too, please watch for these colors when reviewing with them. Grades will be given

7. MATH TEST! They are going to be writing 1-10, I want to see how far along they have come with writing numbers. Grades will be given. Make sure NO REVERSALS or UPSIDE DOWN, NO BACKWARDS numbers. I will be pretty strict with their numeral writing, it does NOT have to perfect but it has to be legibly ( which means I can read and understand it)
*if they write 01 instead of 10, it is considered wrong as it is a different number

8. I won't let you know when exactly the 2 tests are, so please review with them daily.
 Hint Hint* it will not be on a Monday because after a weekend, some children have a clean slate and have forgotten, (just joking!) I will do their MATH TEST and CHINESE TEST SEPERATELY! (which means on 2 separate days!)

Thank you for helping me in many ways! I love your kiddos and have seen great progress in many. XieXie for always helping and volunteering in my classroom. Please help me review with your kiddos the things I talk about in my blog. I am strict but know that I always WANT the BEST for your kiddos. Stay tuned for more updates.....
Please always feel free to talk to me:)

Have an AWESOME weekend!

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