Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Whats going on in maths...10 frames

I know some of you are wondering what in the world are 10 you go.
The first 10 frames is done correctly, the next 3 are common mistakes. for example the number -6




Wrong Way 1 : it shows 6 but the dots are incorrectly placed


Wrong Way 2 the amount is wrong and the dots must be place first from left to right (Top row first) and then from left to right (bottom row)


Wrong way 3: This shows 5, wrong amount.
The dots need to place from left to right starting with the top row, then from left to right, bottom row. I did notice that when some students count they either count faster and place the dots slower, for example they are counting 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 but they only place 4 dots so far, as a result the amount is wrong) some students count slower but place the dots faster, for example 1,2,3,4 but they place 9 dots already. Please help me revise with them at home, that they need to count and place the dots at the same time, I always advise them to count slower and to double check their work. Most of them know, but they like to rush and not check their work.
Also, there are a lot of reversals in numbers, backwards and upside down --I don't know how! Please refer to my blog post titled Chinese Test and see what kind of numerals these kids come up with. I am still practicing and working with them on reversals and their 10 frames.
I will send home 2 practice sheets, you DO NOT have to turn it in. The first one, is a blank 10 frames paper, you can practice with them counting, use cheerios, M&Ms etc -be creative! Make sure they make their amount and count correctly. The 2nd sheet is also a 10 frame but with missing numbers, have them fill out the missing numbers and watch for reversals. Some children have no problem with them but a majority of the students need a lot of help with numeral writing. No worries as I will help them through this! It would mean a lot to me, if you also, practice this at home with them!
Thanks for always reading this blog for updates and for always helping me in every way possible! I appreciate each and every one of you for your support too!
Thank you! Xie Xie!

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