Monday, October 28, 2013



I already uploaded the audio recordings for this week vocabulary! Hope it  helps!

BUSINESS...If you can help me emphasize this at home...that would be great...then we can on the same page! :)

1. SEP CONFERENCE- (11 NOV--13 NOV)----Parent/student/teacher conference! YAY! Please sign up as soon as possible. Sign up is open today, online! One child per time slot please! Also, just on MONDAY only, Mrs Christensen and I will be available from 8am onwards. SEP is for our class is from Monday-Wednesday :)

EARLY OUT all week (11 NOV- 15 NOV) for SEP conference! Please make sure you are ON TIME in dropping your child off and picking them up!

AM CLASS----8:50am-10:50am
PM CLASS--- 11:25pm-1:25pm

2. BOX TOPS! Yahoo! I think our class is the leading the school on box tops! I should check with the PTA! Thanks for all your diligence and hard work in collecting box tops! Keep collecting!

3. 2nd Grade Halloween Program on 30th Oct, Wed @ 2:30pm for parents to watch! They are so cute!

4. Halloween parties in classrooms on 31th Oct, 2013, Thursday! (HAPPY HALLOWEEN!)  Please make sure your child DOES NOT dress up in costumes/masks etc for school that day.
AM CLASS will be in Mrs Christensen room and PM class will be in my room.

5. FRIDAY---1st NOV.....NO SCHOOL! Rest! Enjoy a 3 day weekend!

6. STAR WEEK POSTERS!!! Please make sure you refer to the list that our awesome Co room parent put together (From the AM class). Make sure you bring the poster the Monday of your child star week. Come that Friday to present the poster! Try to remember to make a poster and come and present our kids look forward and are so happy when their parent/s/guardians come and present!

AM class--- Come @10:30am
PM class----Come @ 1:05pm

*ideas to include in the poster: family pictures, silly pictures, Halloween costumes pictures, vacation pictures, favorite things/food/candies/color/cartoon

7. PROPER SHOES FOR PE!!!! Our gym floor is very smooth and it will be slippery on some shoes. Please make sure every TUESDAY!!!!!! your child wears appropriate shoes.

 GYM/RUNNING/TENNIS SHOES PLEASE!! Pretty please! CROCS/BOOTS/SANDALS/FLIPFLOPS are NOT ALLOWED as they are very slippery on the gym floor and causes injuries.

*if there is snow---your child can wear boots BUT make sure they bring tennis/running shoes to change (in their backpack) every Tuesday!

8. OCTOBER 31th is also the END OF 1st TERM!!! YEAH!

1. CHINESE---We are continuing the opposites vocabulary! I teach hand motions along with the vocabulary, I know it has helped many students. :) This week vocabulary are: HOT/COLD------FRONT/BACK------LONG/SHORT (length wise)----HEAVY/LIGHT-----
We will always constantly review last week vocabularies and this week ones (so they will always remember)

2. MATHS....I think it is safe to start 21-30 this week! Yay! Which means we will learn to write/count/say/know 1-30. I think most of the students can do it.

 Please work with them on one to one number recognition, I notice a lot of students are great are number line memorization/writing, but have no concept of what 4 or 14 is, to them, they mean the same thing.

We are going to start something NEW this week. Teaching them the concept of place value. For example 5 is very different from 15 because, it has 10 LESS than 15. We will use ice cream sticks to aid us. FOR EXAMPLE--- We will learn about 28--- how to bundle up 10 sticks (in a bundle) , so there will be 2 bundles 2 (tens) and the ones which will be 8 left will be loose. You can create this game at home too!

3. SCIENCE---We will start our fall tree( depending on time) and learn to write the Chinese word for fall season. We might start learning about winter--depending on time!

4. Health---We will learn about GOOD HYGIENCE practices. For example, how to wash hands properly, how to cough and sneeze properly etc.

We are going to have a S-U-P-E-R and F-U-N week!

Last but never least! You can always come and talk to me about anything school related or questions and concerns about your child! I check my email (like crazy!) or if you want to meet me in person to talk about questions/concerns, please email me first and we could set up a time!

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