Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Dear parents...........

The week ended...we had a short week...and a 4 day weekend! :) :)


1. Please keep collecting BOX TOPS!! Our 2 classes are doing so great in collecting box tops! Thank you thank you!

2. There are a lot of lost items left in the classrooms and hallway, there are usually no names on these items ( like jackets, lunchbox, waterbottles etc) I will ask all the students whose item is this? Usually nobody owns up to it. I will put it in the lost and found  box (by the custodian office) Please label their items, so it makes it easier.

3. Coughing, there seems to be quite a lot of children coughing (cold weather), please help me teach them to cover their mouth, with their arm (where it bends). A lot of children cough without covering their mouth and their germs/salvia flies everywhere. I was a recipient of such 'luck' A child coughed without covering and I was close by and got all their 'blessing' all over my face :(

4.School/home lunch! The lunch lady told me that a lot of children are not eating their lunch, they get their school lunch or home lunch and they only eat 1 or 2 items and throw away the rest. Please help me talk to them about eating all their food for lunch otherwise they will get hungry.

Agenda for next week.....yesyesyes...

1. CHINESE---We will start learning opposite vocabularies ( to prepare for math and science). We will learn LEFT,RIGHT-----UP,DOWN-----BIG, MEDIUM, SMALL( I know this is not really opposite but it one of the math vocabulary)------MORE, A FEW-----
*Stay tuned for the audio posting on my blog on the pronunciation

2. MATHS-- We will keep writing 1-20 and keep working on reversals, there are less and less reversals ( yay! and thank you for all your hard work). All of the students except 1 or 2 know how to count 1-20. YAY!  Help me keep practicing with them!

*Interesting note, when I asked some to start counting from a different number other than 1 they cannot count till 20. For example, I ask them to start from 7 , they don't know what is next, even though they can count from 1 to 20. 
Also, I started giving them blank number lines and they have been writing very well, some still need extra practice.

*another interesting note, if I asked them to write individual numbers (From 1- 20), some have to always start counting from 1 to know what the number is. For example, I ask them to write, 12, they have to start counting 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 ahhh..then they know how to write 12. Most of them will know how to write their numbers without counting from 1.

 You know your child best. Help me practice with them at home on recognizing/counting different random numbers ( not in sequence)

3. Science--Fall items, we are still going to be looking at more fall related items! and learn about the different clothes/activities we wear/do for fall weather.

4. CHINESE TEST on shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, diamond, trapezoid, hexagon) next week, please review with them at home. (test will be given verbally) It will be one of ANY days next prepared...

5. MATH TEST next week....on 1-20 (test will be a written)..*hint hint...probably the end of the week. Reversals and backward numbers are considered wrong.

funny conversation for the week:

student' lin lao shi, come to my birthday party!'
me: 'are you sure you want me there? why?'
student' cause we are both the same age! we can celebrate together!'
I burst out laughing!

-_____- ' ' '
 I guess to them I am their age too. :) Your kids are great!

I appreciate all the faithful parents who come and help in my class all the time. Thank you! Thank you! Also, thanks for being patient with me.

Have a F-U-N weekend!

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