Good Morning Parents!!!
I hope you all had an AMAZING 4 day weekend! I did! =D
Business...if you can help me emphasize them at home with your child, it will make the classroom/school a better and safer place
1. This week is RED RIBBON WEEK. Which means we SAY NO TO DRUGS! I am so glad. Everyday this week, there is a theme going on.
2. JACKETS PRETTY PLEASE! Cold week ahead. If your child has asthma/difficulty breathing in the cold, please write me a note or email me and let me know if they have to stay indoors.
3. KINDNESS.. It has been getting better. Sometimes, there are still mean words said in class ( among students). Also, hands are not kept to themselves, that result in hitting, pushing, shoving etc others. Also, I notice some kids being left out sometimes, or some kids do not want to partner up with some kids or hold hands with them (when we are in a circle/playing games etc). Please help me emphasize this at home, to say kind words and keeping their hands to themselves. Also, to include everyone in their games, groups etc., not to exclude anyone.
4.PTA- (parent teacher association), Please join them! They really do soooo much for the school and for us-teachers (which we are soooo grateful) :)
5. BOX TOPS! We still need as much as we can! Pretty please! Awards will given (every term) to the student with the highest amount collected for box tops.
6/ RECESS---there are some kids that are consistently coming in late from recess, I always tell them to watch their class. If they are unsure of which bell to line up, they can always look at whether their classmates are lining up. The ground duty ladies always have a red sign up too that says the big letter K (which means all kindergarten will line up now)
7. WASHING HANDS--- Little hands always get dirty, Please help me teach them how to wash hands properly, I teach them at school how to wash hands ( when they use the restroom), a lot of them come out from the restroom still with dirty hands or soapy hands, so I have to send them back again to re-wash their hands.
Clean hands= less germs=less sickness=healthy kids :)
Agenda for this week...OCT 21- OCt 25
1. CHINESE---We will start out opposites unit, to prepare for science, math etc. This week we will be learning LEFT RIGHT---UP, DOWN---BIG, MEDIUM, SMALL---MORE, A FEW---
(audio recordings are on my blog already, also, I tagged all the audio recordings into a file, scroll to the bottom of my blog, the brown part, where is says: in bright green) click it and it should say all audio postings..even today NEW ONE
2. MATH--Probably still doing 1-20 this week...! There are lesser and lesser reversals! yippieeee! thank you for your hard work. There are some which needs extra help in their motor skills and numeral writing, I or my helpers will be pulling them out (on the side) and working with them individually or with another student on that. We are also learning to count 1-20 backwards, I know they can count 1-20 perfectly, but it gets tricky to count backwards.
*also, please work with them on numeral recognition, a lot of them can recognize their numerals if they write 1-20 in sequence but quite a handful cannot recognize individual numerals. (between 1-20) Please work with them at home
*another note, hopefully you all find the 100 chart useful, please help me work with them at home on finding different numerals. For example, the number 76, find the 7 area first( which means the 70-s row, then find 6 after)
3. SCIENCE---We are still learning about FALL. This week, we will learn about the different clothes we wear during fall and re-look at the items donated!
4. TEST FOR CHINESE---All their shapes that we learnt so far, refer to my blog for audio recordings. This test will be given verbally.
* A lot of them get confused with rectangle and square, so remember to tell them to drag the word changggggg fang xin ( for rectangle) I also, taught them a hand motion that goes along with the word rectangle.
* for triangle, I taught them to count the sides, since there are 3 sides, the Chinese word for 3 is SAN, so its san Jiao xin ( which means 3 sided shape)
* for hexagon which has 6 sides, I taught them to count the sides, 6 is liu, so is called liu bian xin which means 6 sided shape)
5. TEST FOR MATH- writing 1-20...probably towards the end of the week. Remember to keep working with them on no reversals/backwards numerals and legible handwriting.
谢谢! (xie xie) for being on top of things and for all your hard work!!
We are going to have an EPIC WEEK! =D
Ps, also do my poll on the top left part (after the picture) on what is helpful on the blog! Thanks!
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